Online and Distance Learning Definitions
COURSE Definitions:
- Internet: Credit bearing course that replaces 80% or more of face-to-face seat time with technology enhanced instruction. The 80% refers to required attendance/participation. For a three-credit class, this would be no more than NINE (9) REQUIRED hours face-to-face, with the remainder (36 hours) online. These courses conducted via web-based instruction and collaboration. The course MAY require minimal campus attendance, face-to-face orientation or in-person/proctored examinations.
- Blended/Hybrid: Credit bearing course that replaces 30% - 79% of face-to-face seat time with technology enhanced instruction. For a three-credit class, this would be between 9 and 31.5 REQUIRED hours face-to-face with the rest of the required class time online (13.5 - 35 hours online).
PROGRAM Definitions
- Internet/Distance Program: Programs where at least 80% of all courses are delivered via web-based instruction, videoconferencing, or at an off campus location. The programs MAY require minimal campus attendance, a face-to-face orientation or in-person/proctored examinations. (80% of a 120-hour program would be 96 credit hours offered online/distance; 80% of a 36-hour program would be that 28.8 credit hours are online.) Students in these programs can live anywhere, but may still be required to come to campus periodically.
- On Campus Program: Traditional classroom environment where the instructor and the students are not separated by geographic space or time. Courses may be offered online, web-enhanced, or F2F as long as the MAJORITY of the course work (not more than 80%) would be on ground/in person. Students in these programs would be required to live in or close to the area.