Faculty Fellows 2016
January - May 2016
Building Experience into Learning across UTC
Participants: Joe Wilferth (ENG), Rik Hunter (ENG), Katie Hargrave (ART), Charlene Schmidt (HHP), Ann Buggey (WSTU), Hunter Holzhauer (FIN), Claire McCollough (CPSC)
The National Society of Experiential Education uses eight principles of good practice for Experiential Learning: Intention, Preparation, Authenticity, Reflection, Orientation, Monitoring, Assessment and Acknowledgment. We currently have over 100 designated experiential learning opportunities available to our students at UTC, and this number continues to grow. But what does experiential learning look like at UTC as a whole? How can we overcome the obstacles that hinder more robust connection of theory to practice through the above principles in our disciplines? In this cohort, each member will study and review currently designated classes, develop their own experiential learning class, apply for the experiential learning course designation for Spring 2018 (October 1 deadline), and share the experience of applying with other faculty.
Members of the cohort will meet monthly, August 2017-January 2018 and complete the following:
- Individually and collectively attempt to answer the questions above through becoming familiar with currently designated classes and best practices.
- Apply for experiential learning course designation for one of their Spring 2018 classes.
- Share their process and information about experiential learning and course designations with their College and Department through meetings or presentations prior to the February 20, 2018 deadline.
Participants completing the cohort activities will be paid $250 upon completion of deliverables outlined in the agreement.
Bengt Carlson coordinates this Faculty Fellows cohort. Please submit applications to [email protected] by Thursday, August 31, 2017