Teaching Online
Are you interested in designing or teaching an online course at UTC?
Here are resources to get you started.
Faculty Self-Assessment
Teaching online is different from teaching face-to-face. It requires a different set of skills that are critically important for student learning and retention.
To evaluate your potential for teaching online, take this faculty self-assessment developed by Penn State: https://weblearning.psu.edu/FacultySelfAssessment/.
Results will be sent to you through email. Use these results and feedback to determine your readiness to teach online.
UTC Learn Training
If your self-assessment results indicate you are ready to teach online, the next step is for you to complete UTC Learn training.
The Walker Center offers a variety of training courses on how to manage student communications, help students in UTC Learn, effective use of the gradebook, and how to incorporate course tools such as discussion boards, rubrics, tests, assignments, and groups.
To view available training courses, go to this webpage: http://www.utc.edu/walker-center-teaching-learning/schedule.
Designing and Evaluating an Online Course
The Walker Center for Teaching and Learning plays in integral role in the design and evaluation of online courses at UTC.
If you have interest in developing a course, contact us for a consultation ([email protected]).
If you already have developed an online course, we can help you assess the quality of the course using UTC's adopted online course design rubric, Quality Matters.