QM Standards Syllabus Template
There are 12 Quality Matters Standards addressed in updated UTC Syllabus Template (Fall 2018):
1.2: Learners are introduced to the purpose and structure of the course.
1.4: Course and institutional policies with which the learner is expected to comply are clearly stated within the course, or a link to current policies is provided.
1.5: Minimum technology requirements for the course are clearly stated, and information on how to obtain the technologies is provided.
1.6: Computer skills and digital information literacy skills expected of the learner are clearly stated.
1.7: Expectations for prerequisite knowledge in the discipline and/or any required competencies are clearly stated.
2.1: The course learning objectives, or course/program competencies, describe outcomes that are measurable.
2.3: Learning objectives or competencies are stated clearly, are written from the learner’s perspective, and are prominently located in the course.
2.5: The learning objectives or competencies are suited to the level of the course.
3.2: The course grading policy is stated clearly at the beginning of the course.
5.3: The instructor’s plan for interacting with learners during the course is clearly stated.
5.4: The requirements for learner interaction are clearly stated.
7.1: The course instructions articulate or link to a clear description of the technical support offered and how to obtain it.