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Sat., Oct. 15, 2022 is the deadline for department heads or their designees to approve new certifications in Curriculog. Go here to act now.
Writing and Communication
UTC media

In these courses, students will learn how to communicate effectively according to purpose using written, oral, and/or audio-visual methods. While these courses may have a focus on teaching writing, they also offer opportunities for students to develop projects in a range of formats, including oral or visual communication.
Students must complete six (6) credit hours (two courses) in Writing and Communication with a grade of C or better in both courses. One course is required at the 1000-level, and the second course at the 1000- or 2000-level.
Writing and Communication Student Learning Outcomes:
- Students will demonstrate awareness of context, audience, and purpose of the assigned task(s) including following expectations appropriate to a specific discipline and/or task(s) for organization, content, and conventions.
- Students will use and document appropriate, credible research materials and integrate those materials with the student’s ideas and/or primary research materials.
- Students will reflect on their use of varying writing and communication strategies when composing, revising, and editing course projects, including responding to feedback they receive on emerging drafts.