ReSEARCH Dialogues Presenter Information
ReSEARCH Dialogues Conference Presenter Key Dates
Presenter Registration Opens | December 2021 |
Presenter Registration Deadline | Sunday, February 27, 2022 |
Deadline to Submit Presentation Materials to Symposium | Tuesday, April 5, 2022 |
ReSEARCH Dialogues Conference | April 12 and 13, 2022 |
Fly for Researchers Faculty and Graduate Student Pitch Competition | April 12, 2022 |
Undergraduate Fly Pitch Competition | April 13, 2022 |
Presentation Format Options
Conference Presenters may select from 3 presentation formats:
- 1. Poster. Two poster sessions are scheduled each day (morning and afternoon) of the conference. (click HERE to access poster templates)
Presenters who select this format option can present a traditional academic poster, or display works such as painting, photography, journalistic photography, or similar.
Posters will be displayed in the University Center Tennessee room. Posters will be affixed to a foam board. Clips will be provided to affix the poster to the board.
Posters will be affixed to a foam board. Displays may include a combination of poster and other display materials such as models, works of art (painting, photographs, sculptures, musical scores, poetry, etc.), simulations (using laptop computers, tablets, etc.), Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR) displays, and other interactive materials.
There are two options for poster size: 3 x 4 or 4 x 6 feet. Please ensure that your poster fits within one of these two size options.
Need a poster template sized to the appropriate dimensions? Download templates below:
Presenters are responsible for printing posters and bring posters to the UC on conference day. If your research was conducted under a protocol that was approved by the Institutional Review Board (for projects involving human subjects/participants) or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (for projects involving vertebrate animals), note the IRB or IACUC protocol number on your poster.
- 2. Oral Presentation. Two Oral presentation sessions are scheduled each day (morning and afternoon). Oral presentations will not exceed 15 minutes in length.
(click HERE to access oral presentation templates)
Presenters who select this format option can present a traditional oral presentation (slide talk) OR present video works or similar.
Oral presentations will run no more than 15 minutes in length including questions. If you plan to take questions, you should plan for a 10-12 minute talk to allow ample time for questions.
Download a UTC branded PowerPoint presentation template:
- 3. Performing Arts Presentation*. Creative performance presentation sessions are scheduled each day (morning and afternoon) of the conference.
*Schedule based on the number of performance registration submissions received, and space availability. Typically, one performance session is scheduled each day of the conference.
Performances may involve musical, theatre, dance individual performances or ensembles. Performances will run no more than 30 minutes in duration.
- Other Presentation Option
Panel Discussion. UTC faculty, staff, and students are invited to convene a panel of experts to discuss a topic or issue. *Schedule based on the number of panel registration submissions received, and space availability. Panels run from 30 minutes to one hour in length. The length of the panel will be determined by the number of panel submissions received, and space availability.
Presenter Eligibility Criteria
To present at ReSEARCH Dialogues UTC undergraduate and graduate students must…
- have a mentor/advisor who is directing the project.
- have obtained clearance from the UTC Institutional Review Board before conducting research involving human subjects/participants.
- have obtained clearance from the UTC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee before conducting research involving vertebrate animals.
- be a currently enrolled, degree-seeking student in good academic standing.
- have an active UTC email address and student ID#.
Non-UTC Students must…
- have a mentor who is directing the project.
- have obtained clearance from their school’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) before conducting research involving human subjects/participants.
- have obtained clearance from their school’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee before conducting research involving vertebrate animals.
- be a currently enrolled, degree-seeking student in good academic standing.
- have an active school email address.
Steps to Presenting Your Project at ReSEARCH Dialogues
- Submit the conference presenter registration form. Deadline to submit is Sunday, February 27, 2022. (Registration now closed)
- Watch your e-mail for the “presenter participation message” The message will include your presentation assignment (day and time you will present your research/ creative project), check in location, dress code, and other important information.
- Prepare your presentation materials.
- Upload your presentation materials to the Symposium* archive portal. Once you submit a RD registration form ( deadline Feb. 27, 2022) you will receive the Symposium presenter materials submission guide via email).
- Present at RD 2022!
*Why are we asking presenters to upload presentation materials to the Symposium platform? The Symposium platform will be used to generate an electronic conference program, and to archive all research and creative projects presented at RD 2022.
Symposium by ForagerOne Media Options Technical Details
Media Option 1: PDF (poster or slide deck presentation) + optional video
Project poster or slide deck presentation (pdf files only). The PDF file must be not exceed 10MB.
Use or another online tool to compress your file if necessary.
*Video Link (Optional): Record a short presentation video with sound (3-15 minutes), and upload the video to YouTube. Please make the YouTube video settings as UNLISTED**. NOTE: Only YouTube links are supported. Submit video link with your submission.
Media Option 2: Video/Screencast only
Video Link: Record a short video presentation, slide deck screencast, or performance (3-15 minutes), and upload the media file to YouTube. Please make the YouTube video settings as UNLISTED**. NOTE: Only YouTube links are supported. Submit the link with your submission.
Copyright Information
Presentation materials uploaded to the Symposium tool by ForagerOne website will be available on demand on the internet. Before you upload materials to the conference platform make certain that you are familiar with copyright laws, and intellectual property protocols.
Detailed information about copyright and fair use may be found on the UTC Library Copyright and Fair Use Information page. It is recommended that you meet with a librarian for questions related to copyright and fair use.
For more information about research and intellectual property contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at [email protected]
Projects with Multiple Authors*
- Poster and Oral Presentations
If your project includes multiple authors, designate a “primary presenter” who will submit the presenter registration form for the group. Only the primary presenter ( and the mentor/advisor if It is a student project)will receive presenter related e-mails from the RD team, most importantly the “presenter participation message”. Co-authors will not be copied on these messages. It is the responsibility of the primary presenter to forward/share RD e-mails with the group.
The primary presenter will provide the information listed below for each co-author within the registration form. The primary presenter also identify which co-authors will present the project at RD (i.e. be physically present at the conference to discuss the project).
Please make sure to discuss these details with the group before you submit the registration form.
Required Information for Each Co-Author
- First and Last Name
- UTC Email Address (for non-UTC affiliated authors please provide a professional e-mail address)
- Major or discipline
- Status: undergraduate student, graduate student, faculty, staff, community partner
*Due to space limitations, larger group projects should designate a maximum of 4 members to present the project.
- Performing Arts Presentations
If your project involves multiple performers designate a “primary presenter” who will submit the presenter registration form for the group. Only the primary presenter ( and the mentor/advisor if It is a student project)will receive presenter related e-mails from the RD team, most importantly the “presenter participation message”.It is the responsibility of the primary presenter to forward/share RD e-mails with the other performers in the group.
The primary presenter will provide the information listed below for each group performer within the registration form.
Required Information for Each Co-Author
- First and Last Name
- UTC Email Address (for non-UTC affiliated authors please provide a professional e-mail address)
- Major or discipline
- Status: undergraduate student, graduate student, faculty, staff, community partner
- Panel Discussions
The panel moderator/organizer will submit the registration form for the panel session. Only the panel moderator will receive presenter related e-mails from the RD team, most importantly the “presenter participation message”. The session panelists will not be copied on these messages. It is the responsibility of the panel moderator/organizer to forward/share RD e-mails with the panelists.
Required Information for Each Co-Author
- First and Last Name
- UTC Email Address (for non-UTC affiliated authors please provide a professional e-mail address)
- Major or discipline
- Status: undergraduate student, graduate student, faculty, staff, community partner
ReSEARCH Dialogues and Research Compliance
Research that involves human subjects/participants or vertebrate animals typically requires oversight from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), respectively. Research that was conducted without the appropriate IRB or IACUC review and clearance cannot be presented at ReSEARCH Dialogues. If your research was conducted in accordance with an approved IRB or IACUC protocol, please note the protocol number in your presentation materials.
Abstracts/Project Descriptions
Regardless of the format, a well-written abstract or project description is also required (400 word maximum). This document will be displayed with presentation materials.
Abstracts( or descriptions) should contain the following information:
- A brief introduction to the project/subject area
- A hypothesis, project goal, or specific aim
- A brief description of the methods used to address the aim/goal
- Results
- Conclusions or Impact Statement regarding the body of work.
Download the Abstract Preparation Guide
Need help writing your abstract? Contact the Office for URaCE.
Detailed information about copyright and fair use may be found on the UTC Library Copyright and Fair Use Information page. It is recommended that you meet with a librarian for questions related to copyright and fair use.
For more information about research and intellectual property contact [email protected]