Evidence Synthesis
Special thanks to Cornell Library and their team of Evidence Synthesis librarians for sharing content used here
UTC Library offers an evidence synthesis service to research staff, graduate students and faculty in all departments. We support a range of review methodologies, including systematic reviews, scoping reviews, umbrella reviews, and others. To initiate a consultation about your evidence synthesis, make a request for evidence synthesis or visit our resource guide to learn more.
How Librarians Can Help
As you embark on your evidence synthesis project, librarians have the option to help at either the consultant or co-author level.
Please Note: The ability to provide co-author level work is solely at the discretion of the librarian.
As a consultant, a librarian can step in at different points of your systematic review and:
- Provide background information and resources on the systematic review process
- Recommend databases, protocol registration platforms, and citation management software
- Suggest edits for your search strategy.
- As a consultant, your librarian can provide up to 10 hours of support throughout the project. (These hours may vary depending on the project).
Acknowledgment: Librarians who collaborate on search strategy formation and/or citation management should be acknowledged in the final publication.
A Note about Co-Authorship
In certain circumstances, a librarian and research group may determine that more assistance is mutually desired. Co-authoring is a more substantial commitment, and a librarian will typically devote more than a year to partner with you on your review. Accepting a role as co-author is solely at the discretion of the librarian. As a co-author, the librarian will be more hands-on and can write/translate searches, perform searches & export to citation manager, deduplicate results, write a portion of the methods section and more.