UTC Dining Services FAQ
Meal Swipe
You can use your meal swipes or unlimited access portion of your meal plan at Crossroads Dining Hall, our all you care to eat location with a variety of options.
Mocs Bucks
Money to be spent at retail dining locations on campus, also accepted at convenience stores and coffee shops. Mocs Bucks expire at the end of every semester. Learn how to reload in increments of $100 via Campus Dish.
How do I purchase a meal plan?
Residential Freshmen and Sophomores are required to have a meal plan per University Policy as stated in their Housing contract. The University classifies students based on earned credit hours.
- Freshmen - 0 to 29 earned credit hours
- Sophomore - 30 to 59 earned credit hours
- Junior/Senior - 60+ earned credit hours
Residential students will choose their meal plan when they enroll in housing:
- Freshmen can choose from Plans 1 - 3
- Sophomores can choose from Plans 1 - 5
- Juniors/Seniors can choose from Plans 1 - 7 or the No Meal Plan Option
Non-Resident students can purchase a meal plan via Campus Dish
Faculty and Staff can also purchase a meal plan via Campus Dish
Can I change my meal plan?
Students are given the opportunity to change their own meal plan during the Open Sessions in the Manage My Housing Portal during the Summer and Winter breaks. Once the portal closes, students may request a meal plan change up to two weeks into the semester by emailing their request to [email protected]. Please include your name, Mocs ID, phone number, and plan you would like to change to.
Mocs Bucks expire at the end of every semester.
ALL student meal plans expire at the end of each semester. This includes meal plan swipes, exchanges, swaps, Mocs Bucks, and guest meals. Refunds are not given for unused meal plan swipes or Mocs Bucks.
Meal Exchange Guide
- A meal exchange swipe gives you the ability to use one of your Crossroads Dining Hall meal swipes at approved locations for a $7.00 value.
- When your transaction is over $7.00, you can use Mocs Bucks, Credit/Debit, or Scrappy Cash to pay the remainder of the balance.
- The only campus dining locations the meal exchange is not accepted at is Starbucks and POD Markets.
- Meal Exchange swipes can only be used once per day.