First Year Experience

About FYE
At UTC, the First Year Experience is a cross-campus collaborative effort designed to welcome, support and connect first-year students to the campus community and resources. Student Success Programs partners to host events intentionally designed for first-year students to meet other students, to engage with faculty and staff outside the classroom, to learn about UTC traditions and to become a part of the Mocs family.
FYE Course Information
An introduction to the academic community including the nature and purpose of a college education, expectations for academic success, academic resources and opportunities, learning beyond the classroom and special emphasis on academic and career planning. This is an elective available to all students with fewer than 30 earned hours. This class is recommended during the initial semester for students who enter UTC with fewer that 15 earned hours.
This is the premier welcoming event that recognizes the beginning of your college career at UTC. Expect to learn how to be a Moc, meet new friends, and become part of a great tradition.
This event is for ALL students: first year students, transfer students, new graduate students and currently enrolled students. UTC faculty and staff will attend Convocation. You will also meet our mascot Scrappy, our cheerleaders and our Marching Mocs.
Read to Achieve
The Read to Achieve program introduces students to the academic and intellectual culture of university life. The program provides a core belief that reading is an integral part of the university experience for students, faculty and staff.
Mocs Flock Finley
Before the first home game, freshman students gather for food, pre-game tailgating and the unique privilege of leading the football team onto the field at Finley Stadium. All participants receive a UTC freebies and are entered to win additional prizes.