Parent/Guardian Notification
On June 19, 2008 Tennessee Governor Bredesen signed a law requiring Tennessee public colleges and universities notify the parents or legal guardians of students under twenty-one years of age that have violated the alcohol or drug policies of the institution (T.C.A. 49-7-146). This state law is pursuant to an exception in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) that allows, but does not require, colleges and universities to notify parents of this information.
Given the seriousness of alcohol and drug issues, as well as the potentially negative impact that these issues can have on college students and campus communities, we hope that parents will address these concerns with their students to help students make better choices in the future. While we recognize that students are adults and need to assume responsibility for their actions, we also acknowledge that parents and guardians play a critical role in their personal development.
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga sends parent/guardian notifications at the conclusion of the student conduct process via mailed letter. Please note that the University is unable to discuss further information about the student’s conduct record without written consent from the student.