Current Student Accessible Furniture Request Procedure
The Disability Resource Center at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga considers requests for accessible furniture in the classroom on an individual case-by-case basis for individuals with disabilities. Accessible furniture typically includes larger table options for classroom use, more ergonomic seating for chronic back conditions, and other requests as necessary. If a request has been approved, the addition of accessible furniture will be communicated to the faculty member and coordinated by DRC staff.
If you are already registered with the Disability Resource Center and are requesting accessible furniture in your classroom, contact the DRC to schedule a meeting with a staff member.
To request accessible furniture through the Disability Resource Center, students must follow these steps:
- Register with the Disability Resource Center
- Turn in DRC Application (available online here, or in the DRC office at 352 University Center)
- Submit documentation to verify current disability, as necessary. Documentation should ideally include 1) current diagnosis and impact, 2) any relevant history or information about the impact of the disability, and 3) the signature of the qualified professional. Additional or updated documentation may be requested.
- Complete Intake appointment with DRC staff member
- If approved for accessible furniture, the DRC staff member will coordinate with faculty as necessary and will make every effort to place furniture in the classroom for student use within one working week of the request.
- The student will need to provide an accurate schedule of their courses with locations clearly marked for any classrooms that they will need furniture accommodations.