Criminal Justice Student Involvement
Criminal Justice Club
The Criminal Justice Club is open to all students majoring or minoring in criminal justice.
For more information contact the faculty sponsor: Sara Knox. Graduate students also are encouraged to join the Graduate Student Association.
Alpha Phi Sigma
Alpha Phi Sigma is the nationally recognized honor society for students in the field of criminal justice. The society recognizes academic excellence by undergraduate, as well as graduate students of criminal justice. To become a member, the student must have completed one-third of the total hours required for graduation at his or her institution. Undergraduates must maintain a 3.0 overall GPA and a 3.2 GPA in their criminal justice courses. The student must also rank in the top 35% of their class and have completed a minimum of 4 courses, (12 hours), within the criminal justice curriculum. Along with course work the student is required to complete 3 hours of community service and fund raising each. The Honor Society is open to all students with a declared criminal justice major or minor. Graduate students are required to maintain a 3.4 GPA in all courses.
For more information: visit the national association web page or contact Sara Knox.