Criminal Justice Internships
Students are placed in a criminal justice agency for at least one semester under supervision of the agency. Although the intern is a registered student at UTC and receives college credit for this program, the intern serves under the authority of the agency and must abide by the general rules and regulations of the agency that provides the internship. At the termination of the internship, the student should have acquired a basic, working knowledge of the agency, with a concentrated work experience in some activity in the student's special area of interest. The student is expected to begin work at the designated agency at the start of the semester, usually the first day of classes. The student, unless there is a special situation or problem, will remain at the same agency until the completion of the required number of hours.
Undergraduate Internships
Undergraduate students may take an internship for 3 or 6 hours credit.
Students must meet the following qualifications:
- The student must have an overall 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 2.0 GPA in the major.
- Have a personal interview with the Internship Coordinator (Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt) at least two months prior to the semester in which the student intends to enroll in an internship.
- The student must be a junior and preferably a senior.
- The intern is required to adhere to the general rules and regulations of the agency and UTC. We expect that the intern will be a credit to this department and the agency.
Graduate Internships
Graduate students may take an internship for 3 or 6 hours of credit.
Students must meet the following qualifications:
- The student must have an overall 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA).
- Have a personal interview with the Internship Coordinator (Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt) at least two months prior to the semester in which the student intends to enroll in an internship.
- The students must have successfully completed 2 semesters (18 hours of credit) in the MSCJ program. In exceptional cases, graduate students may participate in an internship after having successfully completed 1 semester in the MSCJ program, but this is at the discretion of the graduate committee.
- The intern is required to adhere to the general rules and regulations of the agency and UTC. We expect that the intern will be a credit to this department and the agency.