Coming on January 22 will be a campus/community event: “O King.” This program honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King and his colleagues will include music, dance, spoken word performance, and a step-show, along with brief reflections on important themes from Dr. King’s life and work. Performing groups include the Chattanooga Boys Choir, combined choruses from McCallie and GPS, the UTC Chamber Singers, the Littleton H. Mason Singers, the Eta Phi chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity (step-show), current student Taylor Freeman (dance), and staff member Terrence Banks (spoken word).
This event begins at 7:30 p.m., in Roland Hayes Concert Hall. All are welcome and admission is free.
Co-sponsors of this event are Dr. Mo Baptiste, executive director for Student Affairs, and Dr. Jonathan McNair, the Ruth S. Holmberg Professor of American Music.