Each One Reach One
EORO has benefited me in so many ways. Through this scholarship I have been able to make connections with Hamilton County Schools in ways I would not be able to otherwise as an undergraduate student. I have been able to access many professional developments to grow as an educator and learn from others in the field.
—David Acevedeo, 2019-2021 Scholar—
The resources and support I received from EORO have been beyond helpful. Each One Reach One helped defuse the amount of stress associated with completing my degree and obtaining licensure more than I would ever have imagined. It was the reason I made it through.
—Braydon Robinson, 2017-2019 scholar—
The EORO Grant not only greatly helped reduce the cost of school but also enabled me to excel in the field of education by providing incredible mentors and excellent resources. This program was a fundamental part of growing my personal involvement with the School of Education at UTC and offered opportunities to better myself as both a student and educator alike through specialized training and licensure support. Similarly, the relationships I have built with peers and mentors through my involvement with the EORO Grant will last outside my four years at UTC. I am so thankful I got to be a part of the EORO.
—Tori Hardy, 2021 graduate—