Advising for Electrical Engineering Undergraduates
Students are advised through the CECS Center for Student Success (CECS CSS). Electrical Engineering Students are encouraged to meet (either in person or virtually) with their advisor at least once per semester to ensure that all degree requirements are being met. The professional advisors in the CECS CSS can also help with petitions, tutoring resources, campus resources, etc. Departmental faculty are always available to students as a resource as well.
Additional Resources:
• 2023-2024 Clearpath Flowchart
• 2022-2023 Clearpath Flowchart
• 2021-2022 Clearpath Flowchart
• 2020-2021 Clearpath Flowchart
• 2019-2020 Clearpath Flowchart
• 2018-2019 Clearpath Flowchart
• 2017-2018 Clearpath Flowchart