
UTC Table
Timeframe Activity
1st Week of February Communicate Steering Committee
2nd Week of February Steering Committee Meeting
4th Week of February Steering Committee Meeting, Sub-committees set
March Steering Committee Meetings (ongoing)
March Advisory Board, Chancellor's Community Council, Faculty Senate and Staff Councils Advisory Board
1st Week of April Steering Committee Meeting
2nd Week of April Steering Committee Meeting
3rd Week of April Stakeholder Meetings (community, business, etc.)
May-August Draft Developed
August Steering Commitee Meeting, Draft Feedback
September Sub-committee Meetings, UTC Advisory Board Meeting
October Sub-committee Meetings, Chancellors Community Council, Community Stakeholders
2nd and 3rd Week of November Open Forums/Survey
1st Week of December Final Draft
2nd Week of December Committee Meeting Final Draft Feedback
2nd Week of January Final Plan Completed


Office of the Chancellor

Department Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm