Mocs One Appeal
The Mocs One Appeal is a single online form that will allow you to appeal up to 3 different statuses at once. Two of these statuses are reviewed and processed by the Financial Aid office. The other status is reviewed and processed by the Office of the University Registrar. Below is more information on the status processed by the Office of the University Registrar. The link to the online appeal form is below.
Undergraduate Exception to the Withdrawal Deadline
- A request for any student wanting to withdraw from individual course(s) after the course withdrawal deadline OR for a university withdrawal after the end of the term because of extenuating circumstances during that term. Extenuating circumstances may include: medical illness, mental health, incapacitation, mandatory changes in work schedule, death of an immediate family member, or required jury duty.
- For students withdrawing due to Active Duty, please refer to the following page: Active Duty Policy
- Official Documentation is required for these requests. Suggestions for documentation are published here.
- A rationale, or explanation, is required with this request. This should explain why the student is requesting the exception and what circumstances impacted the requested semester.
- These requests must be submitted within one calendar year of the semester in question.
- A decision will be made within 45 days of submitting the request.
- All decisions are sent to the student's UTC email account unless the student's account is no longer active.
- These exceptions are not guaranteed and are a one-time exception if approved.
- Approved requests may not result in a refund of tuition. Any refund that may be due is based upon the date of withdrawal and the refund policy established by the Bursar's Office.
Students may desire support while going through the Exception to the Withdrawal Process; especially if they have experienced a crisis that prevented them from being successful.
The Student Outreach and Support Office provides general support for students experiencing a disruption to their normal academic studies and can help students who are navigating University administrative processes. If you would like to discuss support with a staff member from Student Outreach and Support, please see the link below:
Please note: This form requires a valid UTC ID login. If you no longer have an active UTC account, please email [email protected] for further information.