Calendars and Schedules

Academic Calendar, Final Exam Schedule, Dates and Deadlines
Instructions for how to subscribe the Academic Calendar feed
Academic Calendars | Exam Schedules |
2024 - 2025 | |
2025-2026 |
Prior Year Academic Calendars |
Expectations for Student participation in Final Examinations are outlined below:
Students will participate in final examinations identified in each course syllabus according to the Final Examination schedule published by the University Registrar. Final examinations are to be given at the scheduled time during final exam week.
A student who is scheduled to take more than three final examinations in a 24-hour period, or who has a final examination conflict, or who is scheduled to take a state, national, or professional licensing examination may contact the instructors involved, prior to reading day, to obtain appropriate rescheduling using the following parameters.
- Courses with common exams (e.g. MATH 1010, 1130, 2100) will remain as scheduled.
- Fall semester exam conflicts are resolved by rescheduling alphabetically from A-Z where a student enrolled in ANTH 1100 and BIOL 1110 will reschedule ANTH 1100. Students enrolled in a cross-listed course will use the prefix of the student's registered CRN.
- Spring semester exam conflicts are resolved by rescheduling alphabetically from Z-A where a student enrolled in ANTH 1100 and BIOL 1110 will reschedule BIOL 1110. Students enrolled in a cross-listed course will use the prefix of the student's registered CRN.
If the student and the instructors cannot agree upon a rescheduling, the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs or designee will investigate and issue a binding schedule. Instructors may not penalize a student who chooses to reschedule an examination under these options.