Opening Manager Checklist

Manager Information
Morning Tasks to be Completed
Unlock office with key from info desk lockbox.
Turn on office lights and building lights.
Swipe open all 7 main entrances plus the loading dock door.
Open 4 large hallway doors between Foundation and Tennessee Rooms.
Unlock and open glass hallway doors between UC Offices and Tennessee Room.
Unlock all meeting rooms being used before 10:00am.
Unlock game room rear wooden doors, front glass doors, and reflection room doors.
Turn on game room lights.
Power on TVs in the lower commons, the upper commons, and the blue and gold section.
Turn on digital display boards.
Let Aramark know if there are any catering items that need to be picked up before a room is used.
Return key to info desk lock box.
Fill MocsPrint Printer with paper.
Place 2 schedules on the custodial clipboard.
Other Notes

University Center

University Center